homeless mother and daughter


Sacred Heart House of Denver provides a number of services and programs to help homeless families.

These programs including the In-House Stabilization, Follow-Up and Transitional Housing Programs enable homeless women and their families to move to stable housing and become self-sufficient.

This past year, our community was inundated with news about the homeless problem in Denver. Sacred Heart House is, and has been, a very special part of the solution.

Our goal is to help to build a better future for single mothers with children and single women, empowering them to gain the confidence and hope needed to get back on their feet.

In-House Stabilization Program

Our In-House Stabilization Program provides temporary housing, food, clothing, transportation and case management for homeless families in Denver, with referrals for permanent/transitional housing, education/job training/placement, health care, child care, and counseling. Residents participate in a required series of living skills and parenting workshops. Our services are offered in a home-like, life-giving, safe environment.

When residents move to their own housing, they are eligible to receive the services of our Follow-Up Program.

Follow-Up Program

The formerly homeless families and single women who receive services through this program belong to low-income communities who continue to be disproportionately affected by the pandemic. SHH distributes emergency food boxes, cleaning supplies, birthday bags for children and bus tickets for transportation to access medical care, mental health services and housing appointments throughout the year.

In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, our Follow-Up Program assisted 1,138 individuals; 295 families with 710 children and 133 single women, sustained their housing, increased their stability, and remained shelter-free.

Transitional Housing Program

Our 2-year Transitional Housing Program offers affordable living to mothers pursuing educational/job training goals. These women have successfully completed the In-House Stabilization Program or a similar program at another agency. Supportive housing provided through this program allows women, especially single mothers, to pursue education/employment goals. Case management supports these goals while helping women address barriers to past success and develop critical budgeting, time/household management and parenting skills. 

In the 2021-2022 fiscal year our Transitional Housing Program provided supportive housing for 6 single mothers with 11 children and 2 single women in special circumstances.

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